The problems, such as SMEs loaning, the marketization of interest rate and competition, nongovernmental credit development and standardization, have also become the focus of public attention. 中小企业贷款难的问题、利率市场化与竞争问题、民间地下信贷的发展和规范等问题也成为各方关注的焦点。
The main income of the commercial banks of our country comes from the interest rate spread between depositing and loaning, therefore their income source will become more unstable due to the interest rate marketization which includes the deposit interest rate and loan interest rate. 目前,由于我国商业银行主要的收入仍然来自于存贷款的利差,所以对于包括存贷款利率在内的利率市场化将会使得商业银行的收入来源变得更加不稳定。